
Tero Tilus

Distance-learning designer
Jyväskylä open university

$Date: 2002/11/12 12:40:33 $

Dynamic extensible website framework in object-oriented php.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1. Henkari?
1.2. Motivation
1.3. Purpose
1.4. Terminology
1.5. Features
2. Structure
2.1. Files and directories
2.2. How does it work (by example)
3. Setting up henkari
3.1. Requirements
3.2. Installation
3.3. Configuration
4. Building website with henkari
4.1. Getting started
4.2. Template system
4.3. Handlers
4.4. Automatic template variables
4.5. Includes
4.6. Builtin server side cache
5. Extending
5.1. User defined handlers
5.2. Your PHP scripts in henkari
5.3. Interfaces
A. Appendices
A.1. License agreement