***************************** * * * TouchGraph LinkBrowser * * V 1.20 * * (c) 2001-2002 * * Alexander Shapiro, * * TouchGraph LLC * * * ***************************** Release Notes: V 1.20 (01/02/02): BACKGROUND ---------- First official code release. Changed License to TouchGraph LLC. Apache-Style Software License. FEATURES -------- Saving + Loading from XML files. Automatic decompression of zipped or gzipped XML files (for faster applet loading). Node hints which appear in inner frames, and can be moved or resized. Node hints have a user defined width. Node hint height can be determined automatically, or set by the user. Node hints are scrollable. Node hints can contain html, with pictures + working hyperlinks. Node hints can display external html files via the use of frames. Edit mode when executed as a stand alone application. Dialogs for editing node and edge properties. User defined node shape (rectangle, rounded-rect, oval), background color, text color, and text size. User defined edge type (directed arrow, bidirectional), color, and length. Nodes can have associated URL's, acted upon when a selected node is clicked. URL's can be marked as local or remote. Local URL's don't have to have the "http://" prefix, and the associated pages can be loaded in an internal frame. Remote URLs appear in a separate browser window. URL's can be marked as XML files. When the node is clicked the specified TG-XML file will be read, and the graph which it specifies will replace the current one. A Back button for going back to a previously loaded TG-XML file. Proxies for loading remote XML files when in applet mode. Scrollbars for zooming, rotation, and changing the Locality radius. ISSUES ------ Dialogs are an inconvenient way of changing node + edge properties. Color, node type, and edge type selection should be done from the toolbars, and hints + node labels should be editable directly on screen. The TGLinkBrowser class should be rewritten + trimmed down, with some functionality moved out into utility classes. Comments need to be added throughout. ================================================================================ Contributors Murray Altheim: http://www.altheim.com/murray/ Victor Volle: victor.volle@artive.de This software includes code from: NanoXML, a compact XML parser, Copyright 2000-2001 Marc De Scheemaecker nanoxml.sourceforge.net BrowserLauncher, a utility for launching external browsers, Copyright 1999-2001 Eric Albert browserlauncher.sourceforge.net Sun's graph layout applet: java.sun.com/applets/jdk/1.2/demo/applets/GraphLayout/example1.html